Oral Hygiene Basics for Kids

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It’s important for children to develop good oral hygiene habits from a young age. Building healthy habits will help them have a healthy and beautiful smile for the rest of their life. Here is what a good oral hygiene routine looks like for kids as they grow:


While your infant might not have any teeth yet,  it’s still important to have good habits right from the start. You don’t need to brush until your child has teeth, but you will want to wipe your child’s gums with a wet washrag after eating, especially right before bed. Do not allow your child to fall asleep with a bottle in their mouth, as this bad habit can allow bacteria to grow in the sugary liquid left in their mouth overnight. 

Older Infants and Toddlers

Once your child gets their first tooth, you will want to begin brushing their teeth. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush with water twice a day, and be sure to brush after their last bottle or feeding before bed. Once your child has teeth that touch, you will want to introduce flossing as well. 

You should schedule an appointment with a pediatric dentist within 6 months of your child’s first tooth, or before they turn one, whichever is first. Not only can early dental care catch potential issues early, it also gets kids used to the idea of going to the dentist. Young children can be nervous at the dentist, but a good pediatric dentist like Dr. Kurt can help put them at ease. If you’re in Cache Valley and your child needs their first dental appointment, give us a call today!

Young Children

As your toddler gets older, you can introduce a pea-sized amount of fluoridated toothpaste. Be sure to teach your child to spit the toothpaste out after they are done brushing. Allow your child to brush their own teeth, but you may need to follow up to get any spots they miss, especially the back teeth. Children should not fall asleep with anything in their mouth, such as a bottle or pacifier. 

Continue to have regular dental checkups for your children. We look forward to seeing your children every six months to help keep their teeth clean and catch any issues such as cavities before they become big problems.

Older Children 

As your children get more independent, be sure to continue to stress the importance of brushing their teeth and flossing every day. Even though older children are capable of brushing on their own, you may want to observe to make sure they do a thorough job. You can get them a two minute timer and teach them to brush for the entire time. Also encourage healthy eating habits and limit sugary drinks, sticky food, and other foods that aren’t good for teeth. 

Continue regular dental appointments. This is the age when many children get braces to correct misaligned teeth. Your pediatric dentist will let you know if this is needed for your child and refer you to an orthodontist. Regular cleanings are especially important while your child has braces.

If you have any questions about proper oral hygiene for children, our team is happy to help answer your questions at your next appointment. Schedule your pediatric dentist appointment in Cache Valley with Dr. Kirt Vest today!