Is Your Child Grinding Their Teeth? Here's What You Need to Know

pediatric dentistry cache county

Teeth grinding, also known as bruxism, is a common habit in children. It happens when they clench or grind their teeth while not eating. Although it usually occurs during sleep, it can also happen during the day. Most children are unaware that they are doing it. So, if you notice your child grinding their teeth, don't panic! Here's everything you need to know.

How Can I Tell if My Child is Grinding Their Teeth?

Did you know that 15% - 20% of children are habitual tooth-grinders? While some parents notice their kids' teeth-grinding in their sleep, it's not always easy to detect. Often, children and adults aren't even aware they're clenching their jaw, making it tricky to identify.

Is your child grinding or clenching their teeth? Look out for these telltale signs:

- Frequent headaches and earaches

- Jaw pain or difficulty chewing

- TMJ disorders like jaw clicking 

- Worn or sensitive teeth 

- Subtle mouth movements while they focus on tasks 

- Grinding sounds while they sleep.

Why is My Child Grinding Their Teeth?

Discovering the precise cause of teeth grinding in children can be challenging as each case is different. Although there are several possible origins, they generally fall into one of the following categories:

- Pain due to teething or an earache

- Improperly aligned teeth

- Tension, worry, or enthusiasm – the most prevalent source of teeth grinding

- Medical factors such as hyperactivity, cerebral palsy, or certain medications

- Sleeping difficulties like snoring or sleep apnea

How Can I Help My Child Stop Grinding Their Teeth?

Helping your child with bruxism (teeth grinding) is important as a parent. Here are some effective methods to consider:

1. Promote relaxation: High-stress levels can trigger teeth grinding at night, so it's crucial to help your child relax before bedtime. A warm bath, soothing music, or reading a book can create a peaceful environment.

2. Get a mouthguard: A mouthguard can prevent the damage caused by teeth grinding at night and protect your child's teeth.

3. Ensure a comfortable sleep environment: A comfortable mattress and pillows, cool room temperature, and limited noise can all help your child sleep better.

4. Encourage dental hygiene: Good dental hygiene can prevent dental problems related to bruxism. Encourage regular brushing and flossing and regular visits to the dentist.

5. Consult your child's dentist: For proper assessment and treatment, have your child evaluated by a pediatric dentist.

Is your child showing signs of teeth clenching or grinding? Don't ignore it - speak to their dentist about possible bruxism. This condition can be overwhelming, but with the right care, your child can maintain a happy, healthy smile!

Make your child's dental visit enjoyable at Wasatch Pediatric Dentistry! Our compassionate staff and fun-filled environment welcomes both parents and kids. With a focus on childhood oral health, get started today by scheduling an appointment to discuss teeth clenching and grinding treatment and prevention. Don't wait, take charge of your child's oral health today!

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